home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- require 5.004;
- package Test;
- # Time-stamp: "2004-04-28 21:46:51 ADT"
- use strict;
- use Carp;
- use vars (qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $ntest $TestLevel), #public-ish
- qw($TESTOUT $TESTERR %Program_Lines $told_about_diff
- $ONFAIL %todo %history $planned @FAILDETAIL) #private-ish
- );
- # In case a test is run in a persistent environment.
- sub _reset_globals {
- %todo = ();
- %history = ();
- $ntest = 1;
- $TestLevel = 0; # how many extra stack frames to skip
- $planned = 0;
- }
- $VERSION = '1.25';
- require Exporter;
- @ISA=('Exporter');
- @EXPORT = qw(&plan &ok &skip);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw($ntest $TESTOUT $TESTERR);
- $|=1;
- # Use of this variable is strongly discouraged. It is set mainly to
- # help test coverage analyzers know which test is running.
- =head1 NAME
- Test - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use strict;
- use Test;
- # use a BEGIN block so we print our plan before MyModule is loaded
- BEGIN { plan tests => 14, todo => [3,4] }
- # load your module...
- use MyModule;
- # Helpful notes. All note-lines must start with a "#".
- print "# I'm testing MyModule version $MyModule::VERSION\n";
- ok(0); # failure
- ok(1); # success
- ok(0); # ok, expected failure (see todo list, above)
- ok(1); # surprise success!
- ok(0,1); # failure: '0' ne '1'
- ok('broke','fixed'); # failure: 'broke' ne 'fixed'
- ok('fixed','fixed'); # success: 'fixed' eq 'fixed'
- ok('fixed',qr/x/); # success: 'fixed' =~ qr/x/
- ok(sub { 1+1 }, 2); # success: '2' eq '2'
- ok(sub { 1+1 }, 3); # failure: '2' ne '3'
- my @list = (0,0);
- ok @list, 3, "\@list=".join(',',@list); #extra notes
- ok 'segmentation fault', '/(?i)success/'; #regex match
- skip(
- $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ? "Skip if MSWin" : 0, # whether to skip
- $foo, $bar # arguments just like for ok(...)
- );
- skip(
- $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ? 0 : "Skip unless MSWin", # whether to skip
- $foo, $bar # arguments just like for ok(...)
- );
- This module simplifies the task of writing test files for Perl modules,
- such that their output is in the format that
- L<Test::Harness|Test::Harness> expects to see.
- To write a test for your new (and probably not even done) module, create
- a new file called F<t/test.t> (in a new F<t> directory). If you have
- multiple test files, to test the "foo", "bar", and "baz" feature sets,
- then feel free to call your files F<t/foo.t>, F<t/bar.t>, and
- F<t/baz.t>
- =head2 Functions
- This module defines three public functions, C<plan(...)>, C<ok(...)>,
- and C<skip(...)>. By default, all three are exported by
- the C<use Test;> statement.
- =over 4
- =item C<plan(...)>
- BEGIN { plan %theplan; }
- This should be the first thing you call in your test script. It
- declares your testing plan, how many there will be, if any of them
- should be allowed to fail, and so on.
- Typical usage is just:
- use Test;
- BEGIN { plan tests => 23 }
- These are the things that you can put in the parameters to plan:
- =over
- =item C<tests =E<gt> I<number>>
- The number of tests in your script.
- This means all ok() and skip() calls.
- =item C<todo =E<gt> [I<1,5,14>]>
- A reference to a list of tests which are allowed to fail.
- =item C<onfail =E<gt> sub { ... }>
- =item C<onfail =E<gt> \&some_sub>
- A subroutine reference to be run at the end of the test script, if
- any of the tests fail. See L</ONFAIL>.
- =back
- You must call C<plan(...)> once and only once. You should call it
- in a C<BEGIN {...}> block, like so:
- BEGIN { plan tests => 23 }
- =cut
- sub plan {
- croak "Test::plan(%args): odd number of arguments" if @_ & 1;
- croak "Test::plan(): should not be called more than once" if $planned;
- local($\, $,); # guard against -l and other things that screw with
- # print
- _reset_globals();
- _read_program( (caller)[1] );
- my $max=0;
- while (@_) {
- my ($k,$v) = splice(@_, 0, 2);
- if ($k =~ /^test(s)?$/) { $max = $v; }
- elsif ($k eq 'todo' or
- $k eq 'failok') { for (@$v) { $todo{$_}=1; }; }
- elsif ($k eq 'onfail') {
- ref $v eq 'CODE' or croak "Test::plan(onfail => $v): must be CODE";
- $ONFAIL = $v;
- }
- else { carp "Test::plan(): skipping unrecognized directive '$k'" }
- }
- my @todo = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %todo;
- if (@todo) {
- print $TESTOUT "1..$max todo ".join(' ', @todo).";\n";
- } else {
- print $TESTOUT "1..$max\n";
- }
- ++$planned;
- print $TESTOUT "# Running under perl version $] for $^O",
- (chr(65) eq 'A') ? "\n" : " in a non-ASCII world\n";
- print $TESTOUT "# Win32::BuildNumber ", &Win32::BuildNumber(), "\n"
- if defined(&Win32::BuildNumber) and defined &Win32::BuildNumber();
- print $TESTOUT "# MacPerl version $MacPerl::Version\n"
- if defined $MacPerl::Version;
- printf $TESTOUT
- "# Current time local: %s\n# Current time GMT: %s\n",
- scalar(localtime($^T)), scalar(gmtime($^T));
- print $TESTOUT "# Using Test.pm version $VERSION\n";
- # Retval never used:
- return undef;
- }
- sub _read_program {
- my($file) = shift;
- return unless defined $file and length $file
- and -e $file and -f _ and -r _;
- open(SOURCEFILE, "<$file") || return;
- $Program_Lines{$file} = [<SOURCEFILE>];
- close(SOURCEFILE);
- foreach my $x (@{$Program_Lines{$file}})
- { $x =~ tr/\cm\cj\n\r//d }
- unshift @{$Program_Lines{$file}}, '';
- return 1;
- }
- =begin _private
- =item B<_to_value>
- my $value = _to_value($input);
- Converts an C<ok> parameter to its value. Typically this just means
- running it, if it's a code reference. You should run all inputted
- values through this.
- =cut
- sub _to_value {
- my ($v) = @_;
- return ref $v eq 'CODE' ? $v->() : $v;
- }
- sub _quote {
- my $str = $_[0];
- return "<UNDEF>" unless defined $str;
- $str =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $str =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- $str =~ s/\a/\\a/g;
- $str =~ s/[\b]/\\b/g;
- $str =~ s/\e/\\e/g;
- $str =~ s/\f/\\f/g;
- $str =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- $str =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
- $str =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
- $str =~ s/([\0-\037])(?!\d)/sprintf('\\%o',ord($1))/eg;
- $str =~ s/([\0-\037\177-\377])/sprintf('\\x%02X',ord($1))/eg;
- $str =~ s/([^\0-\176])/sprintf('\\x{%X}',ord($1))/eg;
- #if( $_[1] ) {
- # substr( $str , 218-3 ) = "..."
- # if length($str) >= 218 and !$ENV{PERL_TEST_NO_TRUNC};
- #}
- return qq("$str");
- }
- =end _private
- =item C<ok(...)>
- ok(1 + 1 == 2);
- ok($have, $expect);
- ok($have, $expect, $diagnostics);
- This function is the reason for C<Test>'s existence. It's
- the basic function that
- handles printing "C<ok>" or "C<not ok>", along with the
- current test number. (That's what C<Test::Harness> wants to see.)
- In its most basic usage, C<ok(...)> simply takes a single scalar
- expression. If its value is true, the test passes; if false,
- the test fails. Examples:
- # Examples of ok(scalar)
- ok( 1 + 1 == 2 ); # ok if 1 + 1 == 2
- ok( $foo =~ /bar/ ); # ok if $foo contains 'bar'
- ok( baz($x + $y) eq 'Armondo' ); # ok if baz($x + $y) returns
- # 'Armondo'
- ok( @a == @b ); # ok if @a and @b are the same length
- The expression is evaluated in scalar context. So the following will
- work:
- ok( @stuff ); # ok if @stuff has any elements
- ok( !grep !defined $_, @stuff ); # ok if everything in @stuff is
- # defined.
- A special case is if the expression is a subroutine reference (in either
- C<sub {...}> syntax or C<\&foo> syntax). In
- that case, it is executed and its value (true or false) determines if
- the test passes or fails. For example,
- ok( sub { # See whether sleep works at least passably
- my $start_time = time;
- sleep 5;
- time() - $start_time >= 4
- });
- In its two-argument form, C<ok(I<arg1>, I<arg2>)> compares the two
- scalar values to see if they match. They match if both are undefined,
- or if I<arg2> is a regex that matches I<arg1>, or if they compare equal
- with C<eq>.
- # Example of ok(scalar, scalar)
- ok( "this", "that" ); # not ok, 'this' ne 'that'
- ok( "", undef ); # not ok, "" is defined
- The second argument is considered a regex if it is either a regex
- object or a string that looks like a regex. Regex objects are
- constructed with the qr// operator in recent versions of perl. A
- string is considered to look like a regex if its first and last
- characters are "/", or if the first character is "m"
- and its second and last characters are both the
- same non-alphanumeric non-whitespace character. These regexp
- Regex examples:
- ok( 'JaffO', '/Jaff/' ); # ok, 'JaffO' =~ /Jaff/
- ok( 'JaffO', 'm|Jaff|' ); # ok, 'JaffO' =~ m|Jaff|
- ok( 'JaffO', qr/Jaff/ ); # ok, 'JaffO' =~ qr/Jaff/;
- ok( 'JaffO', '/(?i)jaff/ ); # ok, 'JaffO' =~ /jaff/i;
- If either (or both!) is a subroutine reference, it is run and used
- as the value for comparing. For example:
- ok sub {
- open(OUT, ">x.dat") || die $!;
- print OUT "\x{e000}";
- close OUT;
- my $bytecount = -s 'x.dat';
- unlink 'x.dat' or warn "Can't unlink : $!";
- return $bytecount;
- },
- 4
- ;
- The above test passes two values to C<ok(arg1, arg2)> -- the first
- a coderef, and the second is the number 4. Before C<ok> compares them,
- it calls the coderef, and uses its return value as the real value of
- this parameter. Assuming that C<$bytecount> returns 4, C<ok> ends up
- testing C<4 eq 4>. Since that's true, this test passes.
- Finally, you can append an optional third argument, in
- C<ok(I<arg1>,I<arg2>, I<note>)>, where I<note> is a string value that
- will be printed if the test fails. This should be some useful
- information about the test, pertaining to why it failed, and/or
- a description of the test. For example:
- ok( grep($_ eq 'something unique', @stuff), 1,
- "Something that should be unique isn't!\n".
- '@stuff = '.join ', ', @stuff
- );
- Unfortunately, a note cannot be used with the single argument
- style of C<ok()>. That is, if you try C<ok(I<arg1>, I<note>)>, then
- C<Test> will interpret this as C<ok(I<arg1>, I<arg2>)>, and probably
- end up testing C<I<arg1> eq I<arg2>> -- and that's not what you want!
- All of the above special cases can occasionally cause some
- problems. See L</BUGS and CAVEATS>.
- =cut
- # A past maintainer of this module said:
- # <<ok(...)'s special handling of subroutine references is an unfortunate
- # "feature" that can't be removed due to compatibility.>>
- #
- sub ok ($;$$) {
- croak "ok: plan before you test!" if !$planned;
- local($\,$,); # guard against -l and other things that screw with
- # print
- my ($pkg,$file,$line) = caller($TestLevel);
- my $repetition = ++$history{"$file:$line"};
- my $context = ("$file at line $line".
- ($repetition > 1 ? " fail \#$repetition" : ''));
- # Are we comparing two values?
- my $compare = 0;
- my $ok=0;
- my $result = _to_value(shift);
- my ($expected, $isregex, $regex);
- if (@_ == 0) {
- $ok = $result;
- } else {
- $compare = 1;
- $expected = _to_value(shift);
- if (!defined $expected) {
- $ok = !defined $result;
- } elsif (!defined $result) {
- $ok = 0;
- } elsif (ref($expected) eq 'Regexp') {
- $ok = $result =~ /$expected/;
- $regex = $expected;
- } elsif (($regex) = ($expected =~ m,^ / (.+) / $,sx) or
- (undef, $regex) = ($expected =~ m,^ m([^\w\s]) (.+) \1 $,sx)) {
- $ok = $result =~ /$regex/;
- } else {
- $ok = $result eq $expected;
- }
- }
- my $todo = $todo{$ntest};
- if ($todo and $ok) {
- $context .= ' TODO?!' if $todo;
- print $TESTOUT "ok $ntest # ($context)\n";
- } else {
- # Issuing two seperate prints() causes problems on VMS.
- if (!$ok) {
- print $TESTOUT "not ok $ntest\n";
- }
- else {
- print $TESTOUT "ok $ntest\n";
- }
- $ok or _complain($result, $expected,
- {
- 'repetition' => $repetition, 'package' => $pkg,
- 'result' => $result, 'todo' => $todo,
- 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line,
- 'context' => $context, 'compare' => $compare,
- @_ ? ('diagnostic' => _to_value(shift)) : (),
- });
- }
- ++ $ntest;
- $ok;
- }
- sub _complain {
- my($result, $expected, $detail) = @_;
- $$detail{expected} = $expected if defined $expected;
- # Get the user's diagnostic, protecting against multi-line
- # diagnostics.
- my $diag = $$detail{diagnostic};
- $diag =~ s/\n/\n#/g if defined $diag;
- $$detail{context} .= ' *TODO*' if $$detail{todo};
- if (!$$detail{compare}) {
- if (!$diag) {
- print $TESTERR "# Failed test $ntest in $$detail{context}\n";
- } else {
- print $TESTERR "# Failed test $ntest in $$detail{context}: $diag\n";
- }
- } else {
- my $prefix = "Test $ntest";
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix got: " . _quote($result) .
- " ($$detail{context})\n";
- $prefix = ' ' x (length($prefix) - 5);
- my $expected_quoted = (defined $$detail{regex})
- ? 'qr{'.($$detail{regex}).'}' : _quote($expected);
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix Expected: $expected_quoted",
- $diag ? " ($diag)" : (), "\n";
- _diff_complain( $result, $expected, $detail, $prefix )
- if defined($expected) and 2 < ($expected =~ tr/\n//);
- }
- if(defined $Program_Lines{ $$detail{file} }[ $$detail{line} ]) {
- print $TESTERR
- "# $$detail{file} line $$detail{line} is: $Program_Lines{ $$detail{file} }[ $$detail{line} ]\n"
- if $Program_Lines{ $$detail{file} }[ $$detail{line} ]
- =~ m/[^\s\#\(\)\{\}\[\]\;]/; # Otherwise it's uninformative
- undef $Program_Lines{ $$detail{file} }[ $$detail{line} ];
- # So we won't repeat it.
- }
- push @FAILDETAIL, $detail;
- return;
- }
- sub _diff_complain {
- my($result, $expected, $detail, $prefix) = @_;
- return _diff_complain_external(@_) if $ENV{PERL_TEST_DIFF};
- return _diff_complain_algdiff(@_)
- if eval { require Algorithm::Diff; Algorithm::Diff->VERSION(1.15); 1; };
- $told_about_diff++ or print $TESTERR <<"EOT";
- # $prefix (Install the Algorithm::Diff module to have differences in multiline
- # $prefix output explained. You might also set the PERL_TEST_DIFF environment
- # $prefix variable to run a diff program on the output.)
- ;
- return;
- }
- sub _diff_complain_external {
- my($result, $expected, $detail, $prefix) = @_;
- my $diff = $ENV{PERL_TEST_DIFF} || die "WHAAAA?";
- require File::Temp;
- my($got_fh, $got_filename) = File::Temp::tempfile("test-got-XXXXX");
- my($exp_fh, $exp_filename) = File::Temp::tempfile("test-exp-XXXXX");
- unless ($got_fh && $exp_fh) {
- warn "Can't get tempfiles";
- return;
- }
- print $got_fh $result;
- print $exp_fh $expected;
- if (close($got_fh) && close($exp_fh)) {
- my $diff_cmd = "$diff $exp_filename $got_filename";
- print $TESTERR "#\n# $prefix $diff_cmd\n";
- if (open(DIFF, "$diff_cmd |")) {
- local $_;
- while (<DIFF>) {
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix $_";
- }
- close(DIFF);
- }
- else {
- warn "Can't run diff: $!";
- }
- } else {
- warn "Can't write to tempfiles: $!";
- }
- unlink($got_filename);
- unlink($exp_filename);
- return;
- }
- sub _diff_complain_algdiff {
- my($result, $expected, $detail, $prefix) = @_;
- my @got = split(/^/, $result);
- my @exp = split(/^/, $expected);
- my $diff_kind;
- my @diff_lines;
- my $diff_flush = sub {
- return unless $diff_kind;
- my $count_lines = @diff_lines;
- my $s = $count_lines == 1 ? "" : "s";
- my $first_line = $diff_lines[0][0] + 1;
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix ";
- if ($diff_kind eq "GOT") {
- print $TESTERR "Got $count_lines extra line$s at line $first_line:\n";
- for my $i (@diff_lines) {
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix + " . _quote($got[$i->[0]]) . "\n";
- }
- } elsif ($diff_kind eq "EXP") {
- if ($count_lines > 1) {
- my $last_line = $diff_lines[-1][0] + 1;
- print $TESTERR "Lines $first_line-$last_line are";
- }
- else {
- print $TESTERR "Line $first_line is";
- }
- print $TESTERR " missing:\n";
- for my $i (@diff_lines) {
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix - " . _quote($exp[$i->[1]]) . "\n";
- }
- } elsif ($diff_kind eq "CH") {
- if ($count_lines > 1) {
- my $last_line = $diff_lines[-1][0] + 1;
- print $TESTERR "Lines $first_line-$last_line are";
- }
- else {
- print $TESTERR "Line $first_line is";
- }
- print $TESTERR " changed:\n";
- for my $i (@diff_lines) {
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix - " . _quote($exp[$i->[1]]) . "\n";
- print $TESTERR "# $prefix + " . _quote($got[$i->[0]]) . "\n";
- }
- }
- # reset
- $diff_kind = undef;
- @diff_lines = ();
- };
- my $diff_collect = sub {
- my $kind = shift;
- &$diff_flush() if $diff_kind && $diff_kind ne $kind;
- $diff_kind = $kind;
- push(@diff_lines, [@_]);
- };
- Algorithm::Diff::traverse_balanced(
- \@got, \@exp,
- {
- DISCARD_A => sub { &$diff_collect("GOT", @_) },
- DISCARD_B => sub { &$diff_collect("EXP", @_) },
- CHANGE => sub { &$diff_collect("CH", @_) },
- MATCH => sub { &$diff_flush() },
- },
- );
- &$diff_flush();
- return;
- }
- #~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~
- =item C<skip(I<skip_if_true>, I<args...>)>
- This is used for tests that under some conditions can be skipped. It's
- basically equivalent to:
- if( $skip_if_true ) {
- ok(1);
- } else {
- ok( args... );
- }
- ...except that the C<ok(1)> emits not just "C<ok I<testnum>>" but
- actually "C<ok I<testnum> # I<skip_if_true_value>>".
- The arguments after the I<skip_if_true> are what is fed to C<ok(...)> if
- this test isn't skipped.
- Example usage:
- my $if_MSWin =
- $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ? 'Skip if under MSWin' : '';
- # A test to be skipped if under MSWin (i.e., run except under MSWin)
- skip($if_MSWin, thing($foo), thing($bar) );
- Or, going the other way:
- my $unless_MSWin =
- $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ? '' : 'Skip unless under MSWin';
- # A test to be skipped unless under MSWin (i.e., run only under MSWin)
- skip($unless_MSWin, thing($foo), thing($bar) );
- The tricky thing to remember is that the first parameter is true if
- you want to I<skip> the test, not I<run> it; and it also doubles as a
- note about why it's being skipped. So in the first codeblock above, read
- the code as "skip if MSWin -- (otherwise) test whether C<thing($foo)> is
- C<thing($bar)>" or for the second case, "skip unless MSWin...".
- Also, when your I<skip_if_reason> string is true, it really should (for
- backwards compatibility with older Test.pm versions) start with the
- string "Skip", as shown in the above examples.
- Note that in the above cases, C<thing($foo)> and C<thing($bar)>
- I<are> evaluated -- but as long as the C<skip_if_true> is true,
- then we C<skip(...)> just tosses out their value (i.e., not
- bothering to treat them like values to C<ok(...)>. But if
- you need to I<not> eval the arguments when skipping the
- test, use
- this format:
- skip( $unless_MSWin,
- sub {
- # This code returns true if the test passes.
- # (But it doesn't even get called if the test is skipped.)
- thing($foo) eq thing($bar)
- }
- );
- or even this, which is basically equivalent:
- skip( $unless_MSWin,
- sub { thing($foo) }, sub { thing($bar) }
- );
- That is, both are like this:
- if( $unless_MSWin ) {
- ok(1); # but it actually appends "# $unless_MSWin"
- # so that Test::Harness can tell it's a skip
- } else {
- # Not skipping, so actually call and evaluate...
- ok( sub { thing($foo) }, sub { thing($bar) } );
- }
- =cut
- sub skip ($;$$$) {
- local($\, $,); # guard against -l and other things that screw with
- # print
- my $whyskip = _to_value(shift);
- if (!@_ or $whyskip) {
- $whyskip = '' if $whyskip =~ m/^\d+$/;
- $whyskip =~ s/^[Ss]kip(?:\s+|$)//; # backwards compatibility, old
- # versions required the reason
- # to start with 'skip'
- # We print in one shot for VMSy reasons.
- my $ok = "ok $ntest # skip";
- $ok .= " $whyskip" if length $whyskip;
- $ok .= "\n";
- print $TESTOUT $ok;
- ++ $ntest;
- return 1;
- } else {
- # backwards compatibility (I think). skip() used to be
- # called like ok(), which is weird. I haven't decided what to do with
- # this yet.
- # warn <<WARN if $^W;
- #This looks like a skip() using the very old interface. Please upgrade to
- #the documented interface as this has been deprecated.
- local($TestLevel) = $TestLevel+1; #to ignore this stack frame
- return &ok(@_);
- }
- }
- =back
- =cut
- END {
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 TEST TYPES
- =over 4
- =item * NORMAL TESTS
- These tests are expected to succeed. Usually, most or all of your tests
- are in this category. If a normal test doesn't succeed, then that
- means that something is I<wrong>.
- The C<skip(...)> function is for tests that might or might not be
- possible to run, depending
- on the availability of platform-specific features. The first argument
- should evaluate to true (think "yes, please skip") if the required
- feature is I<not> available. After the first argument, C<skip(...)> works
- exactly the same way as C<ok(...)> does.
- =item * TODO TESTS
- TODO tests are designed for maintaining an B<executable TODO list>.
- These tests are I<expected to fail.> If a TODO test does succeed,
- then the feature in question shouldn't be on the TODO list, now
- should it?
- Packages should NOT be released with succeeding TODO tests. As soon
- as a TODO test starts working, it should be promoted to a normal test,
- and the newly working feature should be documented in the release
- notes or in the change log.
- =back
- =head1 ONFAIL
- BEGIN { plan test => 4, onfail => sub { warn "CALL 911!" } }
- Although test failures should be enough, extra diagnostics can be
- triggered at the end of a test run. C<onfail> is passed an array ref
- of hash refs that describe each test failure. Each hash will contain
- at least the following fields: C<package>, C<repetition>, and
- C<result>. (You shouldn't rely on any other fields being present.) If the test
- had an expected value or a diagnostic (or "note") string, these will also be
- included.
- The I<optional> C<onfail> hook might be used simply to print out the
- version of your package and/or how to report problems. It might also
- be used to generate extremely sophisticated diagnostics for a
- particularly bizarre test failure. However it's not a panacea. Core
- dumps or other unrecoverable errors prevent the C<onfail> hook from
- running. (It is run inside an C<END> block.) Besides, C<onfail> is
- probably over-kill in most cases. (Your test code should be simpler
- than the code it is testing, yes?)
- =head1 BUGS and CAVEATS
- =over
- =item *
- C<ok(...)>'s special handing of strings which look like they might be
- regexes can also cause unexpected behavior. An innocent:
- ok( $fileglob, '/path/to/some/*stuff/' );
- will fail, since Test.pm considers the second argument to be a regex!
- The best bet is to use the one-argument form:
- ok( $fileglob eq '/path/to/some/*stuff/' );
- =item *
- C<ok(...)>'s use of string C<eq> can sometimes cause odd problems
- when comparing
- numbers, especially if you're casting a string to a number:
- $foo = "1.0";
- ok( $foo, 1 ); # not ok, "1.0" ne 1
- Your best bet is to use the single argument form:
- ok( $foo == 1 ); # ok "1.0" == 1
- =item *
- As you may have inferred from the above documentation and examples,
- C<ok>'s prototype is C<($;$$)> (and, incidentally, C<skip>'s is
- C<($;$$$)>). This means, for example, that you can do C<ok @foo, @bar>
- to compare the I<size> of the two arrays. But don't be fooled into
- thinking that C<ok @foo, @bar> means a comparison of the contents of two
- arrays -- you're comparing I<just> the number of elements of each. It's
- so easy to make that mistake in reading C<ok @foo, @bar> that you might
- want to be very explicit about it, and instead write C<ok scalar(@foo),
- scalar(@bar)>.
- =item *
- This almost definitely doesn't do what you expect:
- ok $thingy->can('some_method');
- Why? Because C<can> returns a coderef to mean "yes it can (and the
- method is this...)", and then C<ok> sees a coderef and thinks you're
- passing a function that you want it to call and consider the truth of
- the result of! I.e., just like:
- ok $thingy->can('some_method')->();
- What you probably want instead is this:
- ok $thingy->can('some_method') && 1;
- If the C<can> returns false, then that is passed to C<ok>. If it
- returns true, then the larger expression S<< C<<
- $thingy->can('some_method') && 1 >> >> returns 1, which C<ok> sees as
- a simple signal of success, as you would expect.
- =item *
- The syntax for C<skip> is about the only way it can be, but it's still
- quite confusing. Just start with the above examples and you'll
- be okay.
- Moreover, users may expect this:
- skip $unless_mswin, foo($bar), baz($quux);
- to not evaluate C<foo($bar)> and C<baz($quux)> when the test is being
- skipped. But in reality, they I<are> evaluated, but C<skip> just won't
- bother comparing them if C<$unless_mswin> is true.
- You could do this:
- skip $unless_mswin, sub{foo($bar)}, sub{baz($quux)};
- But that's not terribly pretty. You may find it simpler or clearer in
- the long run to just do things like this:
- if( $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ) {
- print "# Yay, we're under $^O\n";
- ok foo($bar), baz($quux);
- ok thing($whatever), baz($stuff);
- ok blorp($quux, $whatever);
- ok foo($barzbarz), thang($quux);
- } else {
- print "# Feh, we're under $^O. Watch me skip some tests...\n";
- for(1 .. 4) { skip "Skip unless under MSWin" }
- }
- But be quite sure that C<ok> is called exactly as many times in the
- first block as C<skip> is called in the second block.
- =back
- If C<PERL_TEST_DIFF> environment variable is set, it will be used as a
- command for comparing unexpected multiline results. If you have GNU
- diff installed, you might want to set C<PERL_TEST_DIFF> to C<diff -u>.
- If you don't have a suitable program, you might install the
- C<Text::Diff> module and then set C<PERL_TEST_DIFF> to be C<perl
- -MText::Diff -e 'print diff(@ARGV)'>. If C<PERL_TEST_DIFF> isn't set
- but the C<Algorithm::Diff> module is available, then it will be used
- to show the differences in multiline results.
- =for comment
- If C<PERL_TEST_NO_TRUNC> is set, then the initial "Got 'something' but
- expected 'something_else'" readings for long multiline output values aren't
- truncated at about the 230th column, as they normally could be in some
- cases. Normally you won't need to use this, unless you were carefully
- parsing the output of your test programs.
- =head1 NOTE
- A past developer of this module once said that it was no longer being
- actively developed. However, rumors of its demise were greatly
- exaggerated. Feedback and suggestions are quite welcome.
- Be aware that the main value of this module is its simplicity. Note
- that there are already more ambitious modules out there, such as
- L<Test::More> and L<Test::Unit>.
- Some earlier versions of this module had docs with some confusing
- typos in the description of C<skip(...)>.
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<Test::Harness>
- L<Test::Simple>, L<Test::More>, L<Devel::Cover>
- L<Test::Builder> for building your own testing library.
- L<Test::Unit> is an interesting XUnit-style testing library.
- L<Test::Inline> and L<SelfTest> let you embed tests in code.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved.
- Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Michael G. Schwern.
- Copyright (c) 2002-2004 and counting Sean M. Burke.
- Current maintainer: Sean M. Burke. E<lt>sburke@cpan.orgE<gt>
- This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express
- or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified
- under the same terms as Perl itself.
- =cut
- # "Your mistake was a hidden intention."
- # -- /Oblique Strategies/, Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt